Maine Farmers' Market Convention
Expand your knowledge base in the areas of marketing and business at our Maine Farmers’ Market Convention (MFMC) being held March 20-22nd, 2009 at Schoodic Education and Research Center (SERC) in Winter Harbor, Me. This high-quality training will be supplemented by networking with others involved in the same ventures from across the state. We are very excited about this event, which is bringing together speakers and participants who understand farmers markets in rural areas, community organizing, the intricacies of working with the local municipal government, grass roots marketing on a shoestring, the value of eating local food, and the importance of farmers and market vendors earning a fair living. Most of the speakers are from Maine and are all professionals in their fields. The opportunities presented by this convention should prove invaluable to you and your market as you go forward in these difficult economic times. We encourage you to find the time in your busy schedules to attend.
Use: Farmers Market Managers, Vendors, Potential Vendors, Municipal Officials, Service Providers
Washington Hancock Community Agency - DBA Division
PO BOX 280 2 Maple Street
Milbridge , ME 04658-0280
[email protected], [email protected]
