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Beyond Computer Basics (Spring)

Sponsored/Presented by:
OOB/Saco Adult & Community Education

So you know how to surf the web, connect with Facebook, send an email and perform basic word processing functions but you want to know more. Explore the Windows Control Panel so you can manage your computer including program and device management, as well as user, security and system settings. Learn advanced file management such as .zip files, backing up data to removable memory and drives, and advanced additional options such as alternate web browsers and add-ons, office programs, and free software. Prerequisite: Students should know how to use the mouse, to keyboard, create/save files and have access to a computer outside of the classroom. This is not an absolute beginners course. Note: Receive a 10% discount when you register for both this class and Computer Basics: Email & MS Word this semester.

Tuesdays May 22nd to June 19th 630-830 PM

Anyone interested in learning more about computers, beginner computer users.
05/22/12 - 06/19/12     Time:   6:30-8:30 PM
Old Orchard Beach
OOB High School 40 E E Cummings Blvd
Cost: $69
FMI: 207-934-7922

To Register or more information

Unique Visitors: 47

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entered by: rstonge

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