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Web Server Statistics for Maine Business Works

Program started at Thu-15-May-2008 22:16.
Analysed requests from Sun-01-Jul-2007 00:02 to Thu-15-May-2008 21:11 (319.88 days).

General Summary

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 15-May-2008 22:16).
Successful requests: 301,435 (6,184)
Average successful requests per day: 942 (883)
Successful requests for pages: 228,908 (4,588)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 715 (655)
Distinct files requested: 5,179 (846)
Distinct hosts served: 21,010 (1,276)

Monthly Report

Each unit () represents 800 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:  reqs: pages: 
--------: -----: -----: 
Jul 2007: 25123: 21385: 
Aug 2007: 26944: 22677: 
Sep 2007: 26124: 20194: 
Oct 2007: 27493: 20201: 
Nov 2007: 24397: 18419: 
Dec 2007: 23177: 18122: 
Jan 2008: 32060: 23142: 
Feb 2008: 34753: 24354: 
Mar 2008: 30708: 22219: 
Apr 2008: 35361: 26797: 
May 2008: 15295: 11398: 
Busiest month: Apr 2008 (26,797 requests for pages).

Hourly Summary

Each unit () represents 300 requests for pages or part thereof.

hour:  reqs: pages: 
----: -----: -----: 
   0:  8367:  7146: 
   1:  8476:  7495: 
   2:  7906:  6932: 
   3:  8177:  7268: 
   4:  7888:  6786: 
   5:  7695:  6716: 
   6:  9403:  7707: 
   7:  9769:  7903: 
   8: 12188:  9173: 
   9: 15152: 10696: 
  10: 18149: 12472: 
  11: 18929: 13090: 
  12: 16459: 11623: 
  13: 18501: 12943: 
  14: 18238: 12677: 
  15: 17217: 12015: 
  16: 16565: 11942: 
  17: 13644: 10319: 
  18: 11827:  9095: 
  19: 13018: 10099: 
  20: 12515:  9807: 
  21: 11380:  8867: 
  22: 10518:  8413: 
  23:  9454:  7724: 

Domain Report

Listing the top 10 domains by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

pages: 7-day pages: domain
-----: -----------: ------
89253:        1636: .com (Commercial)
83331:        2057: .net (Networks)
22511:         426: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 5998:         146: [unknown domain]
 5721:           8: .mx (Mexico)
 3969:          10: .nl (Netherlands)
 3287:          36: .edu (USA Higher Education)
 3110:          36: .gov (USA Government)
 3110:          24: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
 1848:          27: .us (United States)
 6770:         182: [not listed: 95 domains]

Organisation Report

Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

pages: %bytes: organisation
-----: ------: ------------
48154:       :
19530:       :
17118:       :
12794:       :

 9109:       :
 8746:       :
 6411:       : [unknown domain]
 5324:       :
 3356:       :
 3120:       :
 2881:       :
 2431:       :
 2220:       :
 2073:       :
 2041:       : 82
 1819:       :
 1662:       :
 1416:       :
 1389:       :
65414:       : [not listed: 3,344 organisations]

Host Report

Listing the top 20 hosts by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

 pages: %bytes: host
------: ------: ----
   1784:       :
  1780:       :
  1740:       :
  1648:       :
  1580:       :
  1523:       :
  1512:       :
  1503:       :
  1492:       : by1sch4030210.phx.gbl
  1472:       :
  1409:       :
  1389:       :
  1348:       :
  1016:       :
   986:       :
   898:       :
197785:       : [not listed: 20,990 hosts]

Referring Site Report

Listing referring sites with at least 1% of the requests in the last 7 days, sorted by the number of requests for pages in the last 7 days.

pages: 7-day pages: site
-----: -----------: ----
41780:         621:
 4964:         101:
 3441:          79:
 9500:          74:
 1550:          44: http://images. /
 3783:          41:
 1433:          28: http://www. /
 2046:          27:
 6268:          91: [not listed: 677 sites]

Search Query Report

This report contains data from Sun-01-Jul-2007 02:13 to Thu-15-May-2008 18:41.

Listing the top 20 queries by the number of requests for pages in the last 7 days, sorted by the number of requests for pages in the last 7 days.

pages: 7-day pages: %7-day pages: search term
-----: -----------: ------------: -----------
  203:           4:       10.53%: maine business works
    2:           2:        5.26%: midcoast maine business development
    2:           2:        5.26%: [email protected]
    2:           2:        5.26%: grants business maine
    1:           1:        2.63%: border trust so china me
    1:           1:        2.63%: itv trail maps maine
   31:           1:        2.63%: maine business grants
    1:           1:        2.63%: maine population 2008
    1:           1:        2.63%: maine business funding resources
    1:           1:        2.63%: greater portland council
    1:           1:        2.63%: portland maine seminar may 15 real estate
    1:           1:        2.63%: maine department of commerce
    1:           1:        2.63%: telephone 207
    1:           1:        2.63%: economic funding maine
   20:           1:        2.63%: mainebusinessworks
    1:           1:        2.63%: grants for small business in maine
    1:           1:        2.63%: maine business gov
    1:           1:        2.63%: 103.9 bangor maine rick tyler george
    1:           1:        2.63%: ownig a business in mainel
    1:           1:        2.63%: starting a business in maine
 2118:          12:       31.58%: [not listed: 1,296 search terms]

Request Report

Listing files with at least 0.05% of the requests in the last 7 days, sorted by the number of requests in the last 7 days.

  reqs: 7-day reqs: %7-day bytes: file
------: ----------: ------------: ----
202596:       4056:             : /index.cfm
  3903:         91:             : /events/framedetail.cfm
   845:         17:             : /events/logs/report.html
    12:          0:             : [not listed: 1 file]

Redirection Report

This report contains data from Sun-01-Jul-2007 03:16 to Thu-15-May-2008 17:50.

Listing files with at least 1 redirected request in the last 7 days, sorted by the number of redirected requests in the last 7 days.

7-day reqs: reqs: file
----------: ----: ----
       362: 5256: /index.cfm
       326: 2480:   /index.cfm?fuseaction=main.sendevent
        15:  973:   /index.cfm?fuseaction=main.eventupdate
        10:  685:   /index.cfm?fuseaction=main.sendEvent
         0:    9: [not listed: 4 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 5.32.
Running time: 59 seconds.